Poise is a fashion-forward magazine based firmly on the concept of style being used to increase confidence in oneself as well as self-expression. This idea stands true regardless of identity. Everyone should and can express themselves however they feel most comfortable, and this magazine is meant to showcase that idea. I wanted to push the use of open space and showcase the type and imagery as the main points. By limiting the complexity of the type, there is more room for the photos to really speak for themselves. The article featured is a piece written by Aileen Yu titled Gender-neutral fashion: fluidity as freedom.
Instructor: Jennifer Stern
Institution: Tyler School of Art and Architecture - Temple University
c. 2021

I had a goal of a very clean and straightforward approach of the branding of this magazine. This makes it versatile if there were to be more issues. The masthead is meant to have the word balancing on the stem of the ‘p’ and an extended ‘i’ character to show a point of balance and lift. With the use of a sleek sans serif typeface, the text is easily read and understood across the magazine.