History of Reproductive Rights Timeline
This timeline is used to gain knowledge and understanding surrounding reproductive rights. I aimed to use entirely accurate information with dates and backed evidence to support it. As there is a bias in how I position myself for this topic, each timeline slide is not meant to be met with bias. The information and facts included are exclusively understood to be factual with no edit or bias in the general text.
Instructor: Matthew McGlynn
Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture - Temple University
c. 2022
The project required much research on not only the content but the way it would operate as a site. I organized a site map for the interactive site and a User Journey Map to help visualize and better understand what is in store for the site as a whole.

UI Kit
Within site, I created a UI kit to show the general consistencies of the pages and the content throughout the interactive site. I used bright colors to attract younger audiences and hand-done elements of buttons to lighten the content load. The content is not easy content to swallow as it is not the most pleasant experience to learn about.